Author: Erin Sturgess

HomeArticles posted by Erin Sturgess
cancer prevention

Cancer Awareness

The past three months have been about focusing on cancer awareness for both men and women, specifically testing for cancer and making treatment available. Obviously not all cancers are the same or will be caused by the same factors, but what if we knew more

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Healthy metabolism

The Solution to Metabolic Syndrome

Are you at risk for metabolic syndrome? Unfortunately the risk is quite high, and it’s not easily treated. Metabolic syndrome is found in the combination of hypertension, dyslipidaemia, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, glucose intolerance, and obesity. High blood pressure, high fat and cholesterol, not being able to

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Viral Recovery starts in the gut

Viral Immunity

The further away we get from the COVID-19 pandemics initial announcement, the more information is provided on the long term severity of the virus. Dubbed “long-COVID” by scientists, over 32% of patients have suffered long term health effects from the COVID-19 virus. Recent studies have

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NZFOS+ antioxidant properties

Bioactive Phytochemicals in NZFOS+

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]“All disease starts in the gut”- Hippocrates. This statement may have been an opinion at the time, but years of research has shown that there is more than a small element of truth to it. This is not just down to what food we eat,

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